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A comprehensive approach to utilizing your workforce data through business consulting and creating action plans to measure and enhance each component of the workforce that improves your business.
Sep 2, 20201 min read
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Sep 2, 20203 min read
Updated: Sep 21, 2020
The Current Challenges
By John McLaughlin HR Consultant
Because of Covid 19, millions of employees are in some type of uncertainty; they have left an organization and are now unemployed, or they are considering leaving, or staying or they are considering returning. For organizations to have the best chance of attracting and retaining employees the organization needs an effective recognition program that is deeply imbedded in the culture.
Recognition is the most impactful action an organization can take to develop an effective culture to attract and retain an engaged workforce. Recognition shows employees that they have done something that is valued. We need to reinforce the conclusive research that effective employee recognition is profitable!
All businesses are now going through a process of evaluating many of their values toward employees and determining what is the best plan for their future.
Recognition programs are needed that will be effective in July 2020; it is important to keep evaluating our programs, so they are relevant to the interests and needs of current employees.
These interests and needs now include transparent communication about the status of the business and what the organization is doing to minimize exposure to Covid 19 as well as what the organization expects from its employees in terms of taking risks.
Additionally, interests now include conveying the organization’s values about treatment of minority employees and providing equal opportunities based on capability.
The Importance of Organizational Culture
Creating an effective culture is the most important human resource action a company can take. Simply defined, culture is the way a group of people treat each other and do things, the outlook, attitudes, values, norms, customs that are shared by the group.
The important aspects of an effective culture include the following:
The organization has a positive purpose.
The organization provides opportunities to all.
The organization leadership inspires and influences people to great work, acts as a mentor and coach, helps connect people to the organization’s purpose, helps people accomplish goals, and achieve success, fosters a sense of belonging and collaboration and creates an environment where people can thrive.
An organization that values an employee’s wellbeing both physically and mentally
An environment where employees feel they can succeed
An environment where people are appreciated for their work
Employees respond to the organization’s current culture which they understand from the way people are treated and the values and behaviors they see exhibited.
Many of the current health, economic and social issues may take several years to become the new normal.
Creative Solutions for Organizations
What changes in business strategies and culture will your company need to make to survive and flourish?
Surveys of thousands of employees in the last 3 months have found the following about the workforce:
There is concern about Covid 19 in the workplace by 78% of employees.
Employees want transparent communication on a regular basis, at least weekly, 82%.
Organizations where the CEO communicates directly with employees and were exceptionally candid, updated them weekly, provided videos to review, explained “why” something was happening and was realistically optimistic got the highest ratings.
Employees expressed that a safety program that did not include psychological safety was not complete and indicated the organization did not understand what they are facing.
Employees felt they can always use more sincere recognition now days
Organization with high recognition cultures had scores that were 47% higher for Engagement, Appreciation, 66%, and Great Work, 47% than organization with low recognition cultures.
Best Practices
Best practices for Recognition programs include:
Being authentic.
Making it personal.
Connecting the employee’s accomplishment to the purpose of the organization.
Communicating to the organization the Great Work that is happening.
Recognizing people frequently.
The new normal appears to be online video meetings for employees and supervisors from home which makes the relationship more personal since we see where they live, the pets, kids, and all!
We need to rethink the notion of employees coming to work when they are sick to complete a project, get recognized for their sacrifice but do not mention exposing others who get sick. What are the organization’s priorities?
An October 2019 Employee survey results showed that only 14% of employees felt their companies valued their mental health!
Employee burnout should not be badge of honor!
There is high ROI on the investment in Recognition programs and it will become more relevant in the months and years ahead.
Recognition providers need to talk with their clients about the value of having survey data. Their workforce’s feelings about the organization assists executives to take appropriate action to maximize their employee’s commitment.
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